
With over 16 years of experience in web development, I have honed my skills in creating engaging, accessible, and performant websites and applications. I am currently a Senior Frontend Software Engineer and co-leader of the Frontend Guild at Bridge, a leading corporate LMS and employee development platform used by organizations all over the world.

At Bridge, I work with a talented and diverse team of developers, designers, and product managers to deliver user-centric tools that enhance the e-learning and career path experience. I specialize in front-end development with a focus on design systems, responsive design, and performance optimization. I also have a strong background in UX, web design, and content strategy, which enables me to bridge the gap between design and development.

As co-leader of the Frontend Guild, I work alongside other stakeholders to define and enforce coding standards, research and vet the tools at our disposal, and do whatever it takes to maintain and improve the dozens of front-end repos that make up our core product.

My goal is to create web products that are not only functional, but also beautiful and intuitive. I want to build things that help people find their flow.


  1. Adobe Illustrator
  2. Adobe Photoshop
  3. Astro
  4. Attention to Detail
  5. Brand Design
  6. CMS Development
  7. Conflict Resolution
  8. Content Strategy
  9. Contentful
  10. Craft CMS
  11. CSS
  12. Cypress.io
  13. Design Systems
  14. Documentation
  15. E-commerce
  16. Empathy
  17. End-to-end Testing
  18. Figma
  19. Front-end Development
  20. GitHub
  21. HTML
  22. Icon Design
  23. JAMstack
  24. JavaScript
  25. Jest
  26. Mentorship
  27. Monorepos
  28. Next.js
  29. Node.js
  30. Optimization
  31. PHP
  32. React.js
  33. Responsive Web Design
  34. Ruby
  35. Ruby on Rails
  36. SASS
  37. Teamwork
  38. Time Management
  39. TypeScript
  40. UI Design
  41. Unit Testing
  42. UX Design
  43. Vue.js
  44. Web Design
  45. Web Development
  46. Webpack
  47. WordPress
  48. Written Communication


  1. Senior Frontend Software Engineer

    • Get Bridge • Full-time
    • Jun 2021Nov 2023
    • Utah, USA (Remote)

    React micro-frontend dev, legacy code refactoring, design systems, and front-end guild leadership.

  2. Freelance Fullstack Developer

    • RayBrown.co • Full-time
    • Jul 2018Jun 2021
    • Jeju, South Korea (Remote)

    UX, web design, and front-end development on marketing sites for businesses and non-profit orgs.

  3. Frontend Web Developer

    UX, visual design, design systems, front-end code, icon design, and content strategy for large scale, monolithic web app projects.

  4. Owner, Web Designer/Developer

    • Bitmanic • Full-time
    • Jun 2010Mar 2015
    • Michigan, USA

    Branding, design, development, and CMS management for dozens of clients, large and small.

  5. Web Designer

    • Spearia • Full-time
    • Nov 2007Jun 2010
    • Michigan, USA

    Visual design, branding, web design, and basic front-end dev for CMS-driven marketing websites.